I love Pilates. I love how it makes me feel, focus, breathe and move. I love how the exercises are completed in a logical sequence with emphasis on precision and alignment. I love that after pregnancies and C-sections my abs are stronger than when I was 20. More importantly, I love that my clients love it too. So what's not to love??
Tonight my face turned a bright shade of crimson red as I tried to demonstrate a more complex version of Rolling Like a Ball using the magic circle. In the midst of the exercise I suddenly felt like a 15 year old high school student being singled-out in class to answer a question...and she didn't have the answer. With all eyes, both male and female, burning holes into my core I erupted into a fit of uncontrollable giggles as I rocked back and extended my legs through the circle, toward the ceiling, and returned back to the start. I think my execution was fairly precise for having never demonstrated this exercise in public--lots of pressure! However, in the back of my head I could hear my subconscious screaming, or perhaps it was my husband, "What the heck are you doing?!" With all due respect, this new move came from a male Pilates master instructor "Nico" from his course Pilates Playground...the move was designed to be fun and playful...plus provide an element of core challenge. It was fun but out of character for my typical professional decorum---my apologies to any of my students who don't like to laugh! Needless to say, since I have a bit of a blushing problem, my face was red for the next two hours of classes!
Do you ever have those moments in life where you wish you could press the rewind button...just do it over...be more confident...or perhaps be less self-conscious and just enjoy the ride? You're not alone! One of my favorite clients told me recently that we should have fun everyday. I think he has a point--whether it's fun at work, home, fitness or Pilates we should learn from children and build fun into the things we do rather than conform to an outdated adult decorum that demands a false pretense of seriousness. Don't get me wrong, there are situations that absolutely demand professionalism. My time spent working in hospitals with individuals in desperately ill and injured situations makes me keenly aware of the importance of respect, a caring bedside manner, and a trusting rapport. Working 1:1 with clients both in the hospital and now in my home studio also necessitates an attitude of acceptance and compassion. Even however, in sterile, serious environments like the hospital I can recall moments in which a smile, laughter, or even a giggle seemed to ease tension and connect us as human beings. We can be professional and still celebrate being human.
Yes, I have an issue with over-analysis--it was simply rolling like a ball with an added element of an extended leg challenge---but as my blood pressure increased and my face became tomato red I had to acknowledge the general absurdity of the moment. Pilates will strengthen your core---whether through the exercises, laughter, or a little of both, its application is appropriate for all of life.
One day soon I will add illustrations of rolling like a ball and with the extended leg challenge---it really is fun. Until then, celebrate awkward, ridiculous, unexpected moments as a sign of being fully alive and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. I f I can do it...anyone can! Peace.
Tonight my face turned a bright shade of crimson red as I tried to demonstrate a more complex version of Rolling Like a Ball using the magic circle. In the midst of the exercise I suddenly felt like a 15 year old high school student being singled-out in class to answer a question...and she didn't have the answer. With all eyes, both male and female, burning holes into my core I erupted into a fit of uncontrollable giggles as I rocked back and extended my legs through the circle, toward the ceiling, and returned back to the start. I think my execution was fairly precise for having never demonstrated this exercise in public--lots of pressure! However, in the back of my head I could hear my subconscious screaming, or perhaps it was my husband, "What the heck are you doing?!" With all due respect, this new move came from a male Pilates master instructor "Nico" from his course Pilates Playground...the move was designed to be fun and playful...plus provide an element of core challenge. It was fun but out of character for my typical professional decorum---my apologies to any of my students who don't like to laugh! Needless to say, since I have a bit of a blushing problem, my face was red for the next two hours of classes!
Do you ever have those moments in life where you wish you could press the rewind button...just do it over...be more confident...or perhaps be less self-conscious and just enjoy the ride? You're not alone! One of my favorite clients told me recently that we should have fun everyday. I think he has a point--whether it's fun at work, home, fitness or Pilates we should learn from children and build fun into the things we do rather than conform to an outdated adult decorum that demands a false pretense of seriousness. Don't get me wrong, there are situations that absolutely demand professionalism. My time spent working in hospitals with individuals in desperately ill and injured situations makes me keenly aware of the importance of respect, a caring bedside manner, and a trusting rapport. Working 1:1 with clients both in the hospital and now in my home studio also necessitates an attitude of acceptance and compassion. Even however, in sterile, serious environments like the hospital I can recall moments in which a smile, laughter, or even a giggle seemed to ease tension and connect us as human beings. We can be professional and still celebrate being human.
Yes, I have an issue with over-analysis--it was simply rolling like a ball with an added element of an extended leg challenge---but as my blood pressure increased and my face became tomato red I had to acknowledge the general absurdity of the moment. Pilates will strengthen your core---whether through the exercises, laughter, or a little of both, its application is appropriate for all of life.
One day soon I will add illustrations of rolling like a ball and with the extended leg challenge---it really is fun. Until then, celebrate awkward, ridiculous, unexpected moments as a sign of being fully alive and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. I f I can do it...anyone can! Peace.