While doing a few house chores this morning I went to youtube and TED talks seeking inspiration. This was the first one to appear, ranked most popular over the past decade. It reminded me of a conversation I had with a parent about her daughter's love of dance yet the parent's reluctance to encourage her daughter to pursue it. This parent believes dance, movement therapy, and the arts have limited "career" potential. She feels obligated to reduce the importance of the arts and emphasize the importance of academics. Ken Robinson turns this perspective upside-down and insists our hope for our society is not mass production of one way of thinking and learning but adaptability, flexibility, and creativity both within our homes and schools. He is an educator and also a board member of the British Ballet Company offering a refreshing unique perspective on engaging children to embrace their talents, dreams and passions. Knowledge is important and schools provide that. Great teachers and parents learn to encourage creativity in the areas of children's natural interests. In my friend's case, it is dance. Other children may shine through art or music, others have a mind that embraces building and construction. The list is endless. The brilliance of young children is their ability to see things with imagination and creativity...may we never outgrow this skill. I hope you enjoy this 20 minute TED talk.