Big News! Erin Trainor, an energetic, motivating, inspiring coach and personal trainer has a new gym in town. The Grand Opening is this Saturday, September 27th at 152 South Main Street in West Bend, next to Settler's Park. We invite you to participate in all of Saturday's class offerings....everything from Boot Camp to Zumba to Yoga and Pilates...and MUCH MORE! Check out her website: http://www.mypersonaltrainor.com/meet-our-team/
for more details.
for more details.
Starting Wednesday October 1st at 6:30p.m. I will be offering Pilates Mat class. This will be a $10 drop-in class. (One note for those of you who plan out your fitness month, there will be NO PILATES October 22nd due to a family event.)

The ENJOY Women's Wellness Retreat
February 27th and 28th at the Cedar Spa and Resort is now open for registration. Check out the link and plan a fun, yet local, getaway for a winter weekend. Invite your friends or purchase a ticket as a Christmas gift for a loved one.
The ENJOY Women's Wellness Retreat
February 27th and 28th at the Cedar Spa and Resort is now open for registration. Check out the link and plan a fun, yet local, getaway for a winter weekend. Invite your friends or purchase a ticket as a Christmas gift for a loved one.