A few months ago Ron's cousin Jay and his wife Kim adopted two children from the Congo. Jay and Kim lead life quietly, by example, with generous, spirit-filled hearts. Following numerous visits to Africa on short-term mission trips they knew God was calling them to a long-term mission...growing their family of 6 to a family of 8. Lydia and Daniel brought a sweetness to our Easter gathering today that far exceeds Cadbury eggs and jelly beans. If you want to read more about this enthusiastic, dynamic family check out Kim's blogs at Mundinger8: YEAH!

Nothing says festive, holiday celebration like home-made vanilla ice-cream with all the fixings. Trey and his cousins swarmed the sundae bar even after all-u-can-eat ham, potatoes and dinner rolls. Thank you Aunt Sally!

Outdoor Easter egg hunts? Not so much in Wisconsin and this year was no exception. Unless you bring a snow shovel and boots the best option is always the basement. In this case, rather than hide the eggs, Aunt Sally stuffs them with loose change and a few dollar bills. Kids patiently wait (perhaps not patiently) until their name is called to claim one (Aunt Sally is a teacher:)). Auburn won the lottery, the golden egg with $5!
We went to Kettlebrook Church this morning for a great service. Kettlebrook makes it clear the church is certainly not a building (we don't have one!) but rather the people. Although we meet once a week at Badger Middle School, Kettlebrook Church consists of people that go to the Congo, people that volunteer at the food pantry, kind teachers, helpful janitors, mechanics, bakers and candle-stick makers! The stay-at-home moms, the married, the single, the divorced, the fashionable, and me, the comfy frumpy. The church in biblical times was its people--the same is true today.
Our lead pastor Troy Loether is a humorous, animated, youthful (UW La Crosse) grad who keeps the attention of the very young to the very old with his hilarious imitations but also clear, factual, relevant teaching. He and his wife Stephanie coincidentally recently returned from the Congo with little Ephraim, their adopted son, increasing their family from five to six. Just as the Loether's, the Mundinger's, and so many others have gone to the ends of the earth at enormous cost, time, sacrifice, and even potential peril for their adopted children; Easter reminds us God's love is no different. We are adopted into His family, at which the full cost and sacrifice will probably never be fully realized by me, the adopted one, but nonetheless I am eternally thankful.
Our lead pastor Troy Loether is a humorous, animated, youthful (UW La Crosse) grad who keeps the attention of the very young to the very old with his hilarious imitations but also clear, factual, relevant teaching. He and his wife Stephanie coincidentally recently returned from the Congo with little Ephraim, their adopted son, increasing their family from five to six. Just as the Loether's, the Mundinger's, and so many others have gone to the ends of the earth at enormous cost, time, sacrifice, and even potential peril for their adopted children; Easter reminds us God's love is no different. We are adopted into His family, at which the full cost and sacrifice will probably never be fully realized by me, the adopted one, but nonetheless I am eternally thankful.
Kettlebrook Church shared this video at the end of the service today. I thought I would pass it along as an encouragement to launch, liberate, and love one another--freely--without judgement, confines, or restrictions. Thank you for reading and Happy Easter!