These two exercises provide a wholly integrated, challenging core workout. Both are variations of plank or reverse plank/table position. They require extensive weightbearing through the wrists and shoulders plus mid-back and glute strength.
- Leg Pull Down:
- Begin with a strong plank position; wrists under shoulders actively driving the ground away to create mid-back strength and stability.
- From head to heels, your body resembles a long, straight line
- Inhale and raise one straight leg. Stay centered and lifts the ab muscles
- Exhale and stretch the standing heel back for 1-3 pulses. Replace the outstretched leg and repeat on the opposite side.
- Leg Pull Up:
- This exercise requires extra work from the buttocks and mid-section; otherwise your body tends to fold in half
- For a modified variation, imagine a table top where your goal is to be absolutely level in the hips. Challenge the position with single leg lifts and kicks
- The full expression begins with the hands behind you and the backs of the legs together to begin.
- Press your hips up, establishing a long diagonal line similar to a reverse plank position.
- Toss one leg up as high as possible while keeping hips lifted and the body level.
- Lower the leg without sinking the pelvis. Strong arms and a long neck help you maintain the lifted shape.