Like so many I cannot free my mind from the sadness and suffering of Haiti. My heart goes out to the families of college students, missionaries, and American civilians , and of course, the nation's residents. I honor the bravery of the relief and rescue workers. I simply cannot fathom the horror.
I do know we all have to try and make a difference. Right now I am working with my director to present a fundraiser---potentially on Sunday, February 14th, Valentine's Day. The loose itinerary would be to offer 8:30a.m. Pilates, 9:30a.m. Cardio/Strength Interval, and 10:30a.m. Yogalates at the Rivershores YMCA location. Participants would pay $10 per class with 100% of the proceeds going to a relief fund. My director expressed his view as being larger than mine...possibly a marathon of classes at both locations and promote the idea throughout the community. It's all good!
I have heard West Bend resident, Helen Thomas, speak at Kiwanis meetings of her passion for the Haitian people. Ironically, she arrived in Haiti the day before the quake with fellow church members and from all reports is safe. I believe too, a donation directly to Helen to support her in her relief efforts would be well received.
I am just blogging, or "blabbing" as my family calls it! I will keep you all informed and pray that by engaging our simple talents and gifts we can provide love and strength to suffering people. Thank you for reading...and for praying. I look forward to updating you to the Love and Strength for Haiti plan in the weeks to come. Peace.
I do know we all have to try and make a difference. Right now I am working with my director to present a fundraiser---potentially on Sunday, February 14th, Valentine's Day. The loose itinerary would be to offer 8:30a.m. Pilates, 9:30a.m. Cardio/Strength Interval, and 10:30a.m. Yogalates at the Rivershores YMCA location. Participants would pay $10 per class with 100% of the proceeds going to a relief fund. My director expressed his view as being larger than mine...possibly a marathon of classes at both locations and promote the idea throughout the community. It's all good!
I have heard West Bend resident, Helen Thomas, speak at Kiwanis meetings of her passion for the Haitian people. Ironically, she arrived in Haiti the day before the quake with fellow church members and from all reports is safe. I believe too, a donation directly to Helen to support her in her relief efforts would be well received.
I am just blogging, or "blabbing" as my family calls it! I will keep you all informed and pray that by engaging our simple talents and gifts we can provide love and strength to suffering people. Thank you for reading...and for praying. I look forward to updating you to the Love and Strength for Haiti plan in the weeks to come. Peace.