I am excited to offer one more month of on-line Zoom Pilates Classes this March! We will continue to use the props within our traditional matwork series and as always emphasize the 6 principles of Pilates: Breath, Precision, Concentration, Center/Core, Fluidity, and Control! Remember, during your daily living activities, these principles still have their place. Pilates is a system that you can apply to all of daily life including how you sit in your car, how you walk, and how you play pickleball! We had the good fortune of going on a boat cruise with friends yesterday. The mere leap, lunge, or giant step to get from the pier into the boat reminded me of why I continue to practice Pilates. Balance, strength, and flexibility are all necessary attributes to make the successful leap from land to boat!

To Register Venmo @tiffany-larson-32 to confirm your space.
4x/month: $40
8x/month: $65
As always, I am happy to provide programming for you or a small group of friends at a time convenient for your schedule. If you are completely new to the Pilates Method, grab a few friends and I will develop an intro/beginner program for you on-line during the month of March. I love the flexibility this online option has provided to current clients and am thankful for your dedicated practice. I will resume 1:1 equipment training and in-person mat classes in April. Thank you for investing in Pilates and Home Training!
4x/month: $40
8x/month: $65
As always, I am happy to provide programming for you or a small group of friends at a time convenient for your schedule. If you are completely new to the Pilates Method, grab a few friends and I will develop an intro/beginner program for you on-line during the month of March. I love the flexibility this online option has provided to current clients and am thankful for your dedicated practice. I will resume 1:1 equipment training and in-person mat classes in April. Thank you for investing in Pilates and Home Training!