Home Training, LLC was designed to be a comfortable space for friends and family to gather, breathe, stretch and strengthen. Its inception nearly 15 years ago was motivated by the need for a mom with young children to share her love of Pilates and fitness with others. In addition, its premise was the fundamental belief that good health starts at home through modeling appropriate behaviors and encouraging children to love and celebrate their bodies. Many times I contemplated recording my classes as well as my personal practice; however for the most part I kept my classes a close-knit experience and separate from social technology. Now I wish I did have video of my 35 year old self performing the Pilates Method! Nonetheless, my 49 year old body serves me quite well and given the extenuating circumstances of the Coronavirus, I am compelled to create some online options for my friends and clients.
Yesterday, around 11:30a.m., I awakened my 17 year old son with my idea. Through his innate use of technology he could help me create a series of movement videos, embellish and edit them to be an entertaining and useful product for the masses. The conversation went something like this:
Mom: Wake up Trey. It's time to video your mom doing Pilates. If people want to support the series through Venmo, I will pay you for your time and effort.
Trey: No way am I using thousands of gigabytes on my cell of you doing Pilates.
Mom: Please Trey. You can add the funny masks, tails, and photoshops like you and your friends do. It will be lighthearted during a stressful time.
Trey: I only do that with still photos...not videos. It takes too much time. (long, thoughtful pause) OK, I will make a deal with you. If you let me play my video games in peace I will help you with your project.
Mom: It's a deal!
Mom: Wake up Trey. It's time to video your mom doing Pilates. If people want to support the series through Venmo, I will pay you for your time and effort.
Trey: No way am I using thousands of gigabytes on my cell of you doing Pilates.
Mom: Please Trey. You can add the funny masks, tails, and photoshops like you and your friends do. It will be lighthearted during a stressful time.
Trey: I only do that with still photos...not videos. It takes too much time. (long, thoughtful pause) OK, I will make a deal with you. If you let me play my video games in peace I will help you with your project.
Mom: It's a deal!

So, after a few of the most dreadful hours ever spent by a teen boy, we have 2 simple movement series on my Youtube page. I don't have fuzzy bunny ears, a hilarious pig snout, or a horse's tail; it's just me. He showed me how to set my camera on a tripod and push play, followed by his assistance to cut and upload to Youtube. Perhaps one day he can enhance my efforts with his natural talents at video graphics. Until then, you are welcome to move mindfully with me at home. While I am cancelling my group classes for a few weeks, I am still providing personal training on the Pilates reformer, tower and chair to those individual clients who wish to participate. My attention to ensuring a healthy, clean studio space is unwavering.
If you appreciate this free content and want to teach a quarantined teen that opportunities always exist with effort, skills, and a little creativity; support this on-going series through Venmo. (@Tiffany-Larson-32). I will reimburse Trey for his emotional trauma and share proceeds with a COLUMNS scholarship fund as well as a local family's Memorial Fund. I am always better for choosing mindfulness, so I look forward to providing you with more short videos in the days ahead. A few minutes can completely transform your energy and emotional state.
LIVE FACEBOOK Watch Parties would also be a method for us to celebrate Pilates and well-being together. If you want to attend a Pilates Watch Party, just facebook friend me and I will be sure to invite you. Just because we are socially distant doesn't mean we have to be emotionally detached as well! Love to you my Pilates friends!
If you appreciate this free content and want to teach a quarantined teen that opportunities always exist with effort, skills, and a little creativity; support this on-going series through Venmo. (@Tiffany-Larson-32). I will reimburse Trey for his emotional trauma and share proceeds with a COLUMNS scholarship fund as well as a local family's Memorial Fund. I am always better for choosing mindfulness, so I look forward to providing you with more short videos in the days ahead. A few minutes can completely transform your energy and emotional state.
LIVE FACEBOOK Watch Parties would also be a method for us to celebrate Pilates and well-being together. If you want to attend a Pilates Watch Party, just facebook friend me and I will be sure to invite you. Just because we are socially distant doesn't mean we have to be emotionally detached as well! Love to you my Pilates friends!