Let's be honest, I didn't keep a journal the past 3 months, however, as life returns to a new "normal," I felt a need to commemorate this unusual COVID 19 pandemic. A bizarre, unprecedented 90 days in which we rejoiced in our essential workers, supported our restaurants, reduced our calendars and contemplated the relationships between science and politics. Terms like social distancing, self-quarantine, flattening the curve, essential vs. nonessential, PPE, N-95 masks and curbside-pick-up were daily interjected into conversations. It wasn't fun, but plenty of silver-linings with the family. With my teens nearing adulthood, it provided an opportunity to connect differently and in some ways, actually strengthen relationships.The positive moments will be what I choose to remember.
From Dallas, TX Auburn flew to Orange Beach, AL for AU Spring Break with friends.
March 15th: I cancelled my Pilates clients and classes for the spring session. Public schools quickly transitioned to on-line learning while AU classes were suspended temporarily and the campus closed. Rather than return home to dreary Wisconsin, Auburn had the option to visit family in Florida in hopes that school would resume April 10th. The double-bonus, her best friend and room-mate was able to vacation as well. The visit was short and they quickly adapted to on-line learning, but it gave the girls some closure on what had been, a fantastic and AUsome freshman year.

Out of a sense of necessity, to continue my passion of teaching and Pilates, Auburn and I took advantage of opportunities to teach live for Pleasant Valley Tennis and Fitness. In addition, I created YouTube tutorials for Home Training, LLC entitled, The Quarantine Quest. Each exercise in the Pilates mat series was explored for a deeper understanding of the movement.
May 16th, 2020 The white, mother trucker covers nearly 1000 miles in a day to make it to Auburn, Alabama and a weekend of moving Auburn from her Cambridge dorm.
Life goes on as we approach Memorial Day. Stores, restaurants and gyms are gradually re-opening. Trey's summer job at Fort Wilderness, his favorite camp the past 5 years, was unfortunately cancelled along with the camp. His position at the Y is questionable however today he is helping Grandma Larson with her garden. Being productive, in spite of the disappointments, will be our challenge this summer. Auburn is training a few groups of aspiring basketball players on our sport court and she has remained busy with adjusting and unpacking life after freshmen year. I have to be patient with the kids and not project my own expectations onto them. They did not ask for summer to be packaged this way and we all must practice love, grace and patience. I am looking forward to "re-entry" as friends resume training the first week of June. Thanks for reading and all your positive vibes during these past few months.