Do your friends absolutely amaze you? This past January I shared how Kara Moran and friends from Kettlebrook Church embarked on a journey to the country of Congo on a mission of faith and action to encourage justice, peace and healing for its citizens. Now, they continue to put faith in motion pursuing a fund-raising event perfect for the avid athlete. Our pastor Mike Moran will bike across America to raise awareness and support for the Congo mission projects established by World Relief and participating churches. My family is blessed to have the Moran's in our life. Please read the attached note from Mike and feel free to forward it to friends. Education and awareness generates change. We can all be a part of positive change through our action. Thanks!
Hey Friends,
This is my first attempt at a fundraising letter for what I'm doing. You know about Kara's and my growing involvement in Eastern Congo as we've learned more about the incredible ongoing humanitarian crisis there. We've led Kettlebrook Church to commit to that region for the next five years as we partner with key organizations like Heal Africa and World Relief. This August 1-8 I am personally participating in an event to raise awareness and finances for Eastern Congo through an event World Relief is sponsoring called the "Race for Congo." Myself and seven other riders will take turns riding 24/7 across the country from Bend, OR to Baltimore, MD. All riders are thoroughly engaged in the situation in DRC, and committed to making change there. If you want to contribute, you can go to our website: and click on "The RFC Riders" tab. There you'll see the eight of us pop up with our bios. If you want to donate in my name click the "read more" section under my picture and my page will come up which will give you an opportunity to contribute to my account. Also, through the wonder of technology, you can forward this email to whomever you might think would be interested, or paste the link to your Facebook or webpage to generate more exposure and interest. It would be great if this thing went viral. If you are interested in learning more about the situation in Eastern Congo, (an area where it is more dangerous to be woman than a soldier because rape is used as a weapon of war) there are many very good websites, but I warn you, the content is disturbing because this is a disturbing reality. Our prayer is that our hearts will be broken with the things that break the heart of God and that specifically by bringing awareness to this issue, we might be able to collectively make a difference in the region. Let me know if I can answer any of your questions. Please feel free to forward this email.
Peace. Mike PS: some good websites are:
Mike Moran Lead Pastor|Kettlebrook 262.365.0980 [email protected]
Hey Friends,
This is my first attempt at a fundraising letter for what I'm doing. You know about Kara's and my growing involvement in Eastern Congo as we've learned more about the incredible ongoing humanitarian crisis there. We've led Kettlebrook Church to commit to that region for the next five years as we partner with key organizations like Heal Africa and World Relief. This August 1-8 I am personally participating in an event to raise awareness and finances for Eastern Congo through an event World Relief is sponsoring called the "Race for Congo." Myself and seven other riders will take turns riding 24/7 across the country from Bend, OR to Baltimore, MD. All riders are thoroughly engaged in the situation in DRC, and committed to making change there. If you want to contribute, you can go to our website: and click on "The RFC Riders" tab. There you'll see the eight of us pop up with our bios. If you want to donate in my name click the "read more" section under my picture and my page will come up which will give you an opportunity to contribute to my account. Also, through the wonder of technology, you can forward this email to whomever you might think would be interested, or paste the link to your Facebook or webpage to generate more exposure and interest. It would be great if this thing went viral. If you are interested in learning more about the situation in Eastern Congo, (an area where it is more dangerous to be woman than a soldier because rape is used as a weapon of war) there are many very good websites, but I warn you, the content is disturbing because this is a disturbing reality. Our prayer is that our hearts will be broken with the things that break the heart of God and that specifically by bringing awareness to this issue, we might be able to collectively make a difference in the region. Let me know if I can answer any of your questions. Please feel free to forward this email.
Peace. Mike PS: some good websites are:
Mike Moran Lead Pastor|Kettlebrook 262.365.0980 [email protected]