In early May of 2013 a group of friends/runners in Raleigh, North Carolina decided to pursue a two-week clean eating plan. They formed a secret group on facebook to provide support, accountability, recipes, and inspiration My sister was part of this group and recently added me as a member. This group is about 20 members and as they describe in their "About" section,
Since my sister's visit in July, I have been enjoying the book she kindly loaned me, The Conscious Cleanse by Jo Schaalman and Julie Pelaez. It has become a profound resource and motivator for creating and eating healthy, wholesome foods. It includes a 14 day eating program designed to help reprogram your taste buds, decrease that unconscious emotional eating habit, and release your dependency on foods with addictive qualities like caffeine and sugar as well as help identify foods that may potentially tax your system, general allergens. According to the authors, most people with food allergies or sensitivities are actually "addicted" to the foods causing the problems. Do you crave dairy, cheese, bread, alcohol? When you remove these foods from your diet, you actually feel worse initially. This is true for most addictions whether caffeine, alcohol, tobacco--we just don't always consider that foods may have controlling properties similar to drugs.
This program is about creating energy, reducing toxins, being focused and present in your life. Nearly 80 percent of the body's energy during the course of an average person's lifetime goes toward digestion. Of all the energy you consume only 20 percent is available to bodily functions including your immune system, cardiovascular system and brain function. The more you eat, especially of highly processed complex foods, the harder your body has to work to digest and the less energy is available to your body's other tasks. During the Conscious Cleanse, you eat as close to a toxin-free diet as possible, giving your body a chance to rest and repair at a cellular level. Certain foods like corn, peanuts, strawberries, bell peppers are avoided...not necessarily because they are bad for you but because they have a high association with allergies. Even sweet potatoes, a common health food, is limited during the two-week cleanse because of the energy required from your body to digest it.
Jo and Julie celebrate food. This is not about herbal laxatives, supplements, restriction, deprivation, calorie control or dogma. This is about being kind to your body. In fact, the authors suggest if you eat this way consistently you will never worry about the scale again. Start within your comfort zone, make small and subtle changes along the way to use food to strengthen, cleanse and energize your life. On a personal note I am on Day 7 of conscious eating and I feel empowered and energized. Caffeine and sugar were probably my two biggest vices but within a few days I no longer craved my morning cup of coffee. It was replaced by warm lemon water which is exceptionally good for you. It flushes fat out of your cells, alkalizes your body and cleanses your liver. It's an excellent source of vitamin C and a natural digestive aid. The lemon water does re-calibrate my taste buds too. Blueberries, cantaloupe, frozen mango chunks are remarkably sweet and my desire for ice-cream or cookies is greatly reduced (plus it helps that I try to limit their availability in our home.) It's a new way of thinking. As the authors state, "Instead of thinking about food in terms of calories or fat grams, start thinking about it in terms of nutrients. Before you eat something, ask yourself, 'How nutrient dense is this food?'"
I love this book; in fact I ordered a new one today via Amazon, to be shipped to my sister in North Carolina as I refuse to return hers. (I'm addicted to it!) It is full of recipes, wisdom, understanding, and insists that your treat yourself kindly and gently. In the Conscious Cleanse there is no wagon, so there's no wagon to fall off. Food is joy, and eating should be joyful--and not the fleeting moments when the food is in your mouth. If the food leaves you feeling bloated or sluggish, or sick or guilty or regretful then it is not joyful. This program is about finding an abundance of foods that taste good, satisfy you and make you feel energized and alive.
If you are like me you might feel like you eat a rather healthy diet already, steering clear of fast food and avoiding the "junk." But something tempted me to open the book--perhaps the fact I admire my sister, maybe because I realize food is never just about food. Unless your stomach is growling indicating hunger, there is always something else driving you to open the refrigerator or food pantry. How do we get to the heart of living clean physically, emotionally, and spiritually? This book covers all the facets. Maybe, like me, you just have an undefined reason to reboot your system and give your body a healthy tune up.
If you wish to participate in this two week conscious eating program then I suggest you order the book soon and start reading. Rather than just jumping into Day 1 give yourself time like I have to absorb the ideas, the tips, the experiences of other participants shared within its' pages. This pre-study will aid in your commitment. And keep in mind... this book is not about perfection but simply about commitment. Reminds me of my marriage--it's not perfect but we are certainly committed. And this Conscious Cleanse commitment is only for two weeks. If you don't want to be a part of the group but feel its' message could be valuable to your life then get the book and proceed in private and your own pace. I would love to hear how you feel at the end of your conscious eating practice!
The Amazon Review:
- This group is for RunnerPeeps who are participating in a two-week detox plan called the Conscious Cleanse. Stop by for tips and encouragement! (Any member can add other members. Only members can see the group, who's in it and any posts.)
Since my sister's visit in July, I have been enjoying the book she kindly loaned me, The Conscious Cleanse by Jo Schaalman and Julie Pelaez. It has become a profound resource and motivator for creating and eating healthy, wholesome foods. It includes a 14 day eating program designed to help reprogram your taste buds, decrease that unconscious emotional eating habit, and release your dependency on foods with addictive qualities like caffeine and sugar as well as help identify foods that may potentially tax your system, general allergens. According to the authors, most people with food allergies or sensitivities are actually "addicted" to the foods causing the problems. Do you crave dairy, cheese, bread, alcohol? When you remove these foods from your diet, you actually feel worse initially. This is true for most addictions whether caffeine, alcohol, tobacco--we just don't always consider that foods may have controlling properties similar to drugs.
This program is about creating energy, reducing toxins, being focused and present in your life. Nearly 80 percent of the body's energy during the course of an average person's lifetime goes toward digestion. Of all the energy you consume only 20 percent is available to bodily functions including your immune system, cardiovascular system and brain function. The more you eat, especially of highly processed complex foods, the harder your body has to work to digest and the less energy is available to your body's other tasks. During the Conscious Cleanse, you eat as close to a toxin-free diet as possible, giving your body a chance to rest and repair at a cellular level. Certain foods like corn, peanuts, strawberries, bell peppers are avoided...not necessarily because they are bad for you but because they have a high association with allergies. Even sweet potatoes, a common health food, is limited during the two-week cleanse because of the energy required from your body to digest it.
Jo and Julie celebrate food. This is not about herbal laxatives, supplements, restriction, deprivation, calorie control or dogma. This is about being kind to your body. In fact, the authors suggest if you eat this way consistently you will never worry about the scale again. Start within your comfort zone, make small and subtle changes along the way to use food to strengthen, cleanse and energize your life. On a personal note I am on Day 7 of conscious eating and I feel empowered and energized. Caffeine and sugar were probably my two biggest vices but within a few days I no longer craved my morning cup of coffee. It was replaced by warm lemon water which is exceptionally good for you. It flushes fat out of your cells, alkalizes your body and cleanses your liver. It's an excellent source of vitamin C and a natural digestive aid. The lemon water does re-calibrate my taste buds too. Blueberries, cantaloupe, frozen mango chunks are remarkably sweet and my desire for ice-cream or cookies is greatly reduced (plus it helps that I try to limit their availability in our home.) It's a new way of thinking. As the authors state, "Instead of thinking about food in terms of calories or fat grams, start thinking about it in terms of nutrients. Before you eat something, ask yourself, 'How nutrient dense is this food?'"
I love this book; in fact I ordered a new one today via Amazon, to be shipped to my sister in North Carolina as I refuse to return hers. (I'm addicted to it!) It is full of recipes, wisdom, understanding, and insists that your treat yourself kindly and gently. In the Conscious Cleanse there is no wagon, so there's no wagon to fall off. Food is joy, and eating should be joyful--and not the fleeting moments when the food is in your mouth. If the food leaves you feeling bloated or sluggish, or sick or guilty or regretful then it is not joyful. This program is about finding an abundance of foods that taste good, satisfy you and make you feel energized and alive.
If you are like me you might feel like you eat a rather healthy diet already, steering clear of fast food and avoiding the "junk." But something tempted me to open the book--perhaps the fact I admire my sister, maybe because I realize food is never just about food. Unless your stomach is growling indicating hunger, there is always something else driving you to open the refrigerator or food pantry. How do we get to the heart of living clean physically, emotionally, and spiritually? This book covers all the facets. Maybe, like me, you just have an undefined reason to reboot your system and give your body a healthy tune up.
If you wish to participate in this two week conscious eating program then I suggest you order the book soon and start reading. Rather than just jumping into Day 1 give yourself time like I have to absorb the ideas, the tips, the experiences of other participants shared within its' pages. This pre-study will aid in your commitment. And keep in mind... this book is not about perfection but simply about commitment. Reminds me of my marriage--it's not perfect but we are certainly committed. And this Conscious Cleanse commitment is only for two weeks. If you don't want to be a part of the group but feel its' message could be valuable to your life then get the book and proceed in private and your own pace. I would love to hear how you feel at the end of your conscious eating practice!
The Amazon Review:
In 2003, co-author Jo Schaalman was a nationally ranked diver and a pre-med honors graduate ready to start a promising career as a doctor. But while leading a 3,000-mile bike tour of the U.S., she was hit by a truck. Her survival led to a long recovery accompanied by chronic, debilitating pain, weight gain, and depression that modern medicine could not relieve. Then came a breakthrough – the realization about the healing powers of food. With Julie Peláez as her mentor and friend, Jo learned to be conscious of her health and the food she put in her body at a deeper level than ever before. By listening to her body, practicing yoga, filtering out the mindless eating of empty calories and processed food, by being conscious of her real needs, it was possible to take control of her own well-being. Her new conscious lifestyle brought her healing and a sense of vibrancy beyond anything she'd known prior to her injury.
Together Jo and Julie have spent years researching, developing, and refining their Conscious Cleanse program to similarly dramatic results and success stories. Participants in the program have experienced results from weight loss to relief from anxiety, depression, ADD, high cholesterol, chronic pain, PMS, migraines, eczema, acne, insomnia, addictions, allergies, and even early-onset menopause and diabetes.
In this simple, 14-day program, readers get:
- A day-by-day plan for weening off harmful foods
- Easy weight loss without starvation
- Guidance on incorporating whole foods in an easy and simple way
- Shopping lists of readily-available whole foods for getting started
- Meal plans for each day of the cleanse and beyond
- Dozens of delicious whole-food recipes
- Techniques for continuing a sustainable conscious eating lifestyle long after the cleanse is completed
- Inspiration to live a conscious, vibrant life full of vitality, humor, forgiveness, and self-acceptance
Please message me on Facebook me if you wish to be part of this secretly fun, energizing group! I will be happy to send you an invitation to join. Groups certainly aid in support, motivation, and discipline...people function quite well in tribes. My plan is to begin Monday, August 5th (we return from vacation August 3rd so I will be ready for detox!) If the timing doesn't work for you, no worries, I might try it again in the fall. Thank you for reading!