Dear Pilates Friends,
A happy and healthy 2022 to you all! Now more than ever, your health is both a gift and a personal responsibility. Investing in wellness is valuable and will pay dividends in the future. Feeling energetic, strong, mobile, and cardiovascularly fit has a positive effect on our emotional well-being as well. We cannot separate the mind from the body and during these trying times it is important to have a consistent routine and strategy for maintaining physical and mental health. It is always a pleasure to be part of this equation at Home Training, LLC. The relationships we build through group mat classes and personal training are health generating and I appreciate the camaraderie that exists as we support and strengthen each other.
I have had a number of inquiries as to mat and personal training classes and wanted to give you the opportunity to commit to our upcoming spring session. As you are aware, I will be out of town most of February but am planning our next 10-week session ($100) to begin March 7th through May 20th. There will not be class the week of May 1st. As always, check your calendar and pro-rate as needed. If you know you will be out of town or have other commitments, please deduct that class and pay $90 rather than $100. Class will be offered Monday 5:15p.m., Tuesday at 8:30a.m. and Wednesday at 5:15p.m. I am willing to offer additional days and times or if you have a group of 4+ please coordinate with me and we can design a class that suits your schedule. Class quota continues to be a max of 10 participants. If you wish to reserve your space, you may use paypal, venmo, or a check to confirm your registration.
Historically, Joe Pilates developed his ingenious equipment to address imbalances, limitations, and challenges he noted in clients during mat work. If clients were recruiting overused muscles during roll ups, straining, or had difficulty activating smaller, intrinsic core muscles, he would take clients to the equipment to have them work with and against the spring loaded resistance so that they could fuse a new connection and movement experience. He also used the equipment to assist with recovery from injury. Over time this practice would increase mastery of the mat work. (Consider the phrase, "Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results." Getting to the equipment rewired the movement experience and created better results on the mat). I did Pilates mat work consistently in the early 2000's but it wasn't until I took the plunge and began practicing with a trainer on the equipment that I truly identified the imbalances and learned to "resist the springs" to strengthen from the inside out.
With this in mind, I am offering 20% off my usual personal training fee to those who register for Spring mat class. If you elect to take 1 private lesson on the Pilates equipment the price would be $40, a set of 5 would be $180, and a 10 pack would be $320. The 5 and 10 packs are good for 6 months so you have flexibility in scheduling. I always keep my prices lower than traditional studio settings so this discount is particularly significant. It's a reflection of how important the equipment is in re-educating the body. Your progress will be exponential. Most importantly, this training will translate well to all your daily activities. One area that is being highlighted in training research is the idea that as a society we are not necessarily "over-fat" but "under-muscled." This idea has been an encouragement to me in my daily work-outs; less emphasis on weight loss or fat reduction and more about gaining the protective benefits of muscle. Skeletal muscle provides benefits to glucose regulation, immunity, metabolism, blood circulation and structural/postural support. The Pilates springs are heavy and will give you the strength training benefits.
So that is my vision for Home Training Pilates beginning in March! Please let me know if you wish to make the commitment and participate. I plan to dedicate much of my Florida time to taking classes both online and in person as well as developing a 10-week series that will challenge and strengthen us. Thank you for your support and hope to see you in March!
In Good Health,
Tiffany Larson, MHS, OTR, Power Pilates Instructor, 200 hour RYT
Venmo: @Tifffany-Larson-32
Paypal: @tiffanyllarson
A happy and healthy 2022 to you all! Now more than ever, your health is both a gift and a personal responsibility. Investing in wellness is valuable and will pay dividends in the future. Feeling energetic, strong, mobile, and cardiovascularly fit has a positive effect on our emotional well-being as well. We cannot separate the mind from the body and during these trying times it is important to have a consistent routine and strategy for maintaining physical and mental health. It is always a pleasure to be part of this equation at Home Training, LLC. The relationships we build through group mat classes and personal training are health generating and I appreciate the camaraderie that exists as we support and strengthen each other.
I have had a number of inquiries as to mat and personal training classes and wanted to give you the opportunity to commit to our upcoming spring session. As you are aware, I will be out of town most of February but am planning our next 10-week session ($100) to begin March 7th through May 20th. There will not be class the week of May 1st. As always, check your calendar and pro-rate as needed. If you know you will be out of town or have other commitments, please deduct that class and pay $90 rather than $100. Class will be offered Monday 5:15p.m., Tuesday at 8:30a.m. and Wednesday at 5:15p.m. I am willing to offer additional days and times or if you have a group of 4+ please coordinate with me and we can design a class that suits your schedule. Class quota continues to be a max of 10 participants. If you wish to reserve your space, you may use paypal, venmo, or a check to confirm your registration.
Historically, Joe Pilates developed his ingenious equipment to address imbalances, limitations, and challenges he noted in clients during mat work. If clients were recruiting overused muscles during roll ups, straining, or had difficulty activating smaller, intrinsic core muscles, he would take clients to the equipment to have them work with and against the spring loaded resistance so that they could fuse a new connection and movement experience. He also used the equipment to assist with recovery from injury. Over time this practice would increase mastery of the mat work. (Consider the phrase, "Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results." Getting to the equipment rewired the movement experience and created better results on the mat). I did Pilates mat work consistently in the early 2000's but it wasn't until I took the plunge and began practicing with a trainer on the equipment that I truly identified the imbalances and learned to "resist the springs" to strengthen from the inside out.
With this in mind, I am offering 20% off my usual personal training fee to those who register for Spring mat class. If you elect to take 1 private lesson on the Pilates equipment the price would be $40, a set of 5 would be $180, and a 10 pack would be $320. The 5 and 10 packs are good for 6 months so you have flexibility in scheduling. I always keep my prices lower than traditional studio settings so this discount is particularly significant. It's a reflection of how important the equipment is in re-educating the body. Your progress will be exponential. Most importantly, this training will translate well to all your daily activities. One area that is being highlighted in training research is the idea that as a society we are not necessarily "over-fat" but "under-muscled." This idea has been an encouragement to me in my daily work-outs; less emphasis on weight loss or fat reduction and more about gaining the protective benefits of muscle. Skeletal muscle provides benefits to glucose regulation, immunity, metabolism, blood circulation and structural/postural support. The Pilates springs are heavy and will give you the strength training benefits.
So that is my vision for Home Training Pilates beginning in March! Please let me know if you wish to make the commitment and participate. I plan to dedicate much of my Florida time to taking classes both online and in person as well as developing a 10-week series that will challenge and strengthen us. Thank you for your support and hope to see you in March!
In Good Health,
Tiffany Larson, MHS, OTR, Power Pilates Instructor, 200 hour RYT
Venmo: @Tifffany-Larson-32
Paypal: @tiffanyllarson