Pilates Summer Session II begins this week. Classes will be offered Tuesday and Wednesdays at 8:30a.m. There will NOT be a Friday class this session. Classes continue Thursdays at Pleasant Valley Tennis/Fitness at 9:00a.m.
Thank you for all your great responses to the new Gratz reformer. It is a workhorse; heavy springs, leather straps, steel frame exterior...an industrial marvel! I have enjoyed sharing it with all my Pilates clients as well as appreciated your favorable comments, "I'm sweating buckets...I've never worked so hard!"
This blog, like my fashion, is outdated, last weeks' news, but I decided to publish it just the same. Summer days are turning into a summer daze...when the kids' vacation ends I think mine begins, but for all the responsibilities and commitments I would not change it. I have no doubt these are the days I will miss years from now---and because of that I relish them (I probably could not have said that last week!)
Thank you for all your great responses to the new Gratz reformer. It is a workhorse; heavy springs, leather straps, steel frame exterior...an industrial marvel! I have enjoyed sharing it with all my Pilates clients as well as appreciated your favorable comments, "I'm sweating buckets...I've never worked so hard!"
This blog, like my fashion, is outdated, last weeks' news, but I decided to publish it just the same. Summer days are turning into a summer daze...when the kids' vacation ends I think mine begins, but for all the responsibilities and commitments I would not change it. I have no doubt these are the days I will miss years from now---and because of that I relish them (I probably could not have said that last week!)
Heat and agitation--according to my yoga teacher Tuesday night the two can sometimes be related. It was certainly that kind of day with bruised elbows and egos. My son was seeking entertainment and unable to find it outside of digital games and television. Once I conceded to have a friend visit he still asked for more...in order to play team sports there must be at least four! In between his grumbling for fun, I was running a carpool and scheduled for a follow-up eye exam (so much for my dream of being a fighter pilot). I overheard a boys only conference call in the garage and found Trey providing first aid (a wet kleenex) to his friend's elbow. Clearly they were concerned that if mom finds out there will be double trouble! I quickly assessed the situation as parental intervention strongly advised and placed a call to the child's mom as well as got the gauze pads and Neosporin. When I took the child home, the mom agreed a trip to the doctor was indicated. He had sustained a serious road rash from going downhill on the scooter, hitting a bump, and landing hard on the elbow. Ironically, when I delivered the child home, the mom apologized she had not picked up the living room before my arrival! I shook my head in disbelief and shame as I should be the one apologizing. In spite of my natural protective responses toward Trey and his friends injuries still happen.
I think the day women become mothers a vast majority of us develop an uncomfortable "edge." A persistent state of low-lying stress and worry that in reality serves no purpose. Obviously it did not prevent a scooter accident. That afternoon felt particularly long, but rather than call it a day I decided to attend an evening yoga class...find new karma. I remarked to the teacher that I had considered doing the hot, power yoga but felt the beginner might be more suitable considering my jumbled mental state. She agreed there are times we are nervous, sick (sinus/allergies), frustrated that the heat does not always improve those feelings and may contribute to further agitation. In addition she instinctively encouraged us to avoid placing judgments on situations. We so often become story-tellers in our own minds, labeling experiences good/bad and then repeating and replaying the experiences that we never simply move forward or even live in the present moment. When she would correct or adjust a pose for me I noticed I would initially think, " messed up again!," but obviously that was not her intention nor was my response yogi/zen-like appropriate. By the end of the class I was calm and relaxed ready to watch a game of girls' 6th grade basketball. There were no judgments or concern as a spectator that night, simply the pleasure of observing children doing what they love.
I think the day women become mothers a vast majority of us develop an uncomfortable "edge." A persistent state of low-lying stress and worry that in reality serves no purpose. Obviously it did not prevent a scooter accident. That afternoon felt particularly long, but rather than call it a day I decided to attend an evening yoga class...find new karma. I remarked to the teacher that I had considered doing the hot, power yoga but felt the beginner might be more suitable considering my jumbled mental state. She agreed there are times we are nervous, sick (sinus/allergies), frustrated that the heat does not always improve those feelings and may contribute to further agitation. In addition she instinctively encouraged us to avoid placing judgments on situations. We so often become story-tellers in our own minds, labeling experiences good/bad and then repeating and replaying the experiences that we never simply move forward or even live in the present moment. When she would correct or adjust a pose for me I noticed I would initially think, " messed up again!," but obviously that was not her intention nor was my response yogi/zen-like appropriate. By the end of the class I was calm and relaxed ready to watch a game of girls' 6th grade basketball. There were no judgments or concern as a spectator that night, simply the pleasure of observing children doing what they love.
As far as the "Joyful" update...Lisa Joy continues her healthy living plan and the results are positive. New social engagements, new activities, and the lowest weight she has seen in many months...266#. We appreciate your encouragement! Staying committed to living a healthy lifestyle each day is a challenge. We have decided she is an athlete engaged in the Olympic sport of weight loss. As an Olympian she has to train harder than the recreational weekend warrior. Cheers to Lisa for maintaining her focus.
From the Pilates perspective I am loving my new Gratz reformer. Gratz was the original manufacturer of Joe Pilates' machine in New York City. I value the authenticity and fidelity (to borrow the word from the Gratz brochure) to detail of Joe Pilates precise dimensions of construction for each Gratz reformer. I am thrilled with the purchase and hope you can try it on for size in the weeks ahead!
"Gratz is an undeniable part of Pilates history, having built Universal Reformers to Joseph Pilates' rigorous specifications, but it's an even more essential part of this exercise method's future. No other Pilates apparatus feels as good, lasts as long or preserves the Pilates Method as safely and authentically as Gratz. The difference is clear with the first workout." Romana Kryzanowska
Thank you for reading!